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e-on software eduardo limon logo brand d
Bentley Systems

Digital environments

E-on software is the leading developer of solutions for the creation, animation, rendering and integration of natural 3D environments.
Their products are used worldwide by the film, television, architecture, game, science, educational and entertainment industries.
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Bringing the software to 2017

Bought in 2015 by Bentley Systems, e-on software is a small software company specialized in the generation of photorealistic 3D environment. In 2017 Bentley started to invest more resources in the branch, and part of that investmest was the entire rebranding of the company.


From the logo, passing through the website and UI/UX of their products, e-on software now has a complete new look and attitude.

One of the most drastic changes, apart from the logo, was the interface of both software. With an architecture and style reminiscent of Windows 98, a more refined style was chosen, forgetting the shadows and so many colors that were in the previous version.


For this version, linear and gray icons were worked, this to help the user to focus on his work area, without being visually distracted by all those colors.

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Old interface

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New interface

Little by little

e-on software has two software solutions; VUE and PlantFactory. VUE specialized in the creation of 3D digital environment and PlantFactory, as the name says is where you can create your own plants using procedural technology.


One of the largest projects that I ever have done, regarding UX/UI. With over two thousand icons to renovate, hundreds of windows and a lot of UX improvement, the task was organized by phases.


Recognition: Where in the software is located each item.


Usage: Is this icon/window still in use? Can it be erased?


Re-thinking: Revisit each icon, thinking in the main user and how to make them easier to understand.


Right now, the implementation of some UX is still in process. The new UI was one of the main features in the newest release.

The icons language

With almost 2000 icons to redo, it was crucial to rethink them and how to improve their recognition through the interface. 

I based the language of the icons in  “layers”. Having the main ideas represented by icons. As I combined these icons, I created more complex ideas, and the user can be familiarized with them as he goes deeper into the software. Also, I homologated the visual language in both software, so the user can use seamlessly both.

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Everything goes in place

A lot of work was also done on the user experience (UX). Because it is not only important that things work or look "good", it is also important that they are easy to operate and go "smooth like butter". The less resistance there is between the user and the application, the less friction it generates. Less stress and more efficiency.

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Old Welcome Window

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New Welcome Window


This campaign was carried out with the hashtag "#BeBold" to invite users to push the software to its limits, using it in unusual ways and to share their projects and results with us.

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